Terms of Use

1. The service that is provided via www.examsplanner.eu, includes all websites and web pages corresponding to the Domains examsplanner.eu and schrdev.gr. The Server is located on the Cloud.

2. In this text the phrase "Server Administrator", refers to Christos Stavrinou who is a software developer and also is the Director of the Office of Informatics S. CHR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT. He is the owner of the Server hosting the service www.examsplanner.eu and also the provider of this service.

3. The person who has the responsibility to administrate the "Exams Planner" for your school, must provide correct and true information requested by our Office.

4. Anyone using the "Exam Planner" service is bound by these terms of use. If a user does not accept the terms of use, then he must notify the school's administrator of "Exams Planner". The school's administrator must not issue a password to this teacher.

5. In order to activate the school's subscription to the service "Exams Planner" and to obtain a license of use, the school's administrator of the "Exam Planner" must faithfully and fully implement the payment process. He must give the required information to our office in accordance with the instructions issued by his computer. Otherwise, our Office will not activate the "Exam Planner" service.

6. The Server Administrator has the right to have a direct conversation with the school's administrator of the "Exam Planner" when he deems it is necessary.

7. The school's administrator of the "Exam Planner" understands and agrees that it is a criminal offense to present himself as another person when he uses the service "Exam Planner".

8. The user of the "Exams Planner" service must first understand and agree that the personal data or other information he voluntarily provides to the Server Administrator, are needed in order to get a license of use to the "Exams Planner" service. The user accepts the retention and storage of the data by our Office. The data are stored on our Server located in the Cloud. The data are not shared with anyone.

9. The school's administrator of "Exams Planner" gives the right to the Server Administrator to contact with him by e-mail.

10. The users of "Exams Planner" must not violate the laws of their country, the laws of the Republic of Cyprus, the International and European law. If the Server Administrator concludes that a user of the "Exams Planner" violates intentionally or not the above laws, then the Server Administrator has the right to terminate the license of use, without warning and without refund.

11. The users of the "Exams Planner" understand, agree and undertake that they must comply with the laws regarding the transmission of data over the Internet.

12. The data transmission is encrypted. The user must confirm that the web browser is working in an encrypted environment.

13. The "Exams Planner" is provided for a free trial period of use. The free trial period is valid for the months of July, August, September, October. After the end of the free trial period of use it is necessary to get a license of use. Then you need to follow the instructions to get a license of use in the "Exams Planner" service. Our Office is not obliged to provide the school administration with a copy of the school data.

14. The responsibility for the data of the school belongs exclusively to the school administration. The Server Administrator is not responsible for the school's data. The Server Administrator does not endorse the content of the school's data. For any consequences, damages or losses that may arise from the school data is not responsible the Server Administrator. The responsibility lies exclusively to the school administration. If the Server Administrator has been informed that the school data causes moral harm or damage or with otherwise harms any person or authority or company, organization, etc., then the Server Administrator has the right to cancel the license of use of the "Exams Planner" for this school without refund.

15. A license of use of the "Exams Planner" will be terminated if this is requested by a competent authority. Then the data will be deleted by the Server Administrator. No refund is possible.

16. The school's administrator for the "Exams Planner" and each user of the "Exams Planner" understand and agree that the Server Administrator reserves the right and not the obligation to delete part or all of the school's data when he deems that at least one of the terms listed in this text is violated.

17. The school's data are entered exclusively by the school's "Exams Planner" administrator and from the teaching staff. The S. CHR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT has no involvement in the submission of the data and / or their content.

18. Anyone who uses the "Exams Planner" has no right to disclose willfully or not any secret that is a trademark or patent or whether it is a military secret or a personal secret or any other secret by using the service "Exams Planner".

19. The "Exams Planner" user understands, agrees and accepts that the responsibility for any kind of damages that may arise as the result of a legal dispute which was caused because of the content of the data that has been submitted, has nothing to do with the Server Administrator. So, the user of "Exams Planner" is obliged to pay the full amount of the compensation.

20. The data that have been submitted correspond to a unique code per case. Therefore, the owner of a code is fully responsible for any interference with the data associated with this code. The users need to log out by clicking the "Exit" button each time they finish their work. Users should not leave the computer without exiting out of the "Exams Planner" service. The consequences of failure to disconnect shall be borne solely by the user. To maximize the security, the system automatically disconnects the users after a period of inactivity.

21. Each user has the responsibility to keep safe his own password.

22. The school's "Exams Planner" administrator must disclose personally the passwords to the teaching stuff.

23. The data containing random characters (rubbish text) will be deleted by the Server Administrator.

24. When a school's account is deleted, the data relating to that school is permanently deleted. At the discretion of the Server Administrator the deletion may be done with or without notice. There is no money refund.

25. No amount of money is refundable even if the school administration decides to terminate the subscription to the "Exams Planner" service before the expiration of its scheduled duration.

26. The payment receipt will be sent to the email address you provided when registering with the "Exams Planner" service.

27. If the "Exams Planner" service is temporarily out of service for any reason then no financial or other compensation is provided for as long as the "Exams Planner" service was out of service. The Server Administrator has no responsibility.

28. Only the school's administrator of the "Exams Planner" and the teaching staff have access to the "Exams Planner" service because only they own the passwords.

29. The users of "Exams Planner" service understand and acknowledge that this service is offered "as is" with all the weaknesses that may has. Therefore, potential problems in online data storage, unsatisfactory performance, deletion of data and other similar problems or losses, shall not borne by the Server Administrator. He is not responsible for what are mentioned above.

30. The operation of the "Exams Planner" service will be continuous throughout the 24 hours and throughout the duration of the license of use. In the case of technical failure on the Server or on the Cloud provider, the Server Administrator may have available time as needed to fix the problems. The Server will resume to operate after the restoration of the problems.

31. The Server Administrator takes care of the smooth and safe operation of the Server. Therefore, in the unlikely case that any consequences arising from malicious acts against the smooth operation of the Server (hackers, DoS attack, etc.), the Server Administrator has no responsibility.

32. The Server Administrator periodically makes a backup of the database. If for various technical reasons it is necessary to restore (recover) the database, this will be based on the last backup that is available to the Server Administrator. Therefore, it is probable, the data after restore may not be the most recent.

33. The Server Administrator is entitled to modify or interrupt temporarily or permanently, part or all of the service provided to beneficiaries with or without notice, without being obliged to pay them cash or other form of compensation.

34. The Server Administrator is not obliged to give any explanation for the modification or temporary interruption of the "Exams Planner" service.

35. The Server Administrator has the right to add more terms of use of the "Exams Planner" service or modify these terms at any time that he deems it is necessary. In this case the information will be available by the "Exams Planner" Website via the hyperlink ''Terms of use''.

36. The Website of "Exams Planner" service is copyrighted by the Server Administrator. The data are not copyrighted by the Server Administrator.

The title of the pages of the Website http://www.examsplanner.eu, the way that the contents of the site are displayed and the structure of the site, are the intellectual property of the Server Administrator.

37. It is prohibited the intervention to the Server with whatever method by an unauthorized person.

38. The domain examsplanner.eu and www.examsplanner.eu are the property of the Server Administrator.

39. The Server Administrator is not obliged to deliver a copy of the school-related data.

40. The Server Administrator has the right to modify the cost of the provided "Exams Planner" service for the next school year.

41. Our Office has no obligation of any kind towards those who use the "Exams Planner" service.

42. The license of use of the "Exams Planner" expires on June 30 of each year. Τhe new free trial period of the "Exams Planner" service, begins οn the 1st of July each year.

43. Dynamic and/or static web pages of the "Exams Planner" service are provided by the domain schrdev.gr and www.schrdev.gr. Also, part of the "Exams Planner" service is provided by the domain examsplanner.eu and www.examsplanner.eu. The "Exams Planner" service may be available in full or in part from other domains owned by our Office.

44. The "Exams Planner" service may not be compatible with some web browsers or versions.

45. If the school's "Exams Planner" administrator or a member of the school's teaching staff or other user of the "Exams Planner" service, violates at least one or part of these terms, then the Server Administrator has the right to delete the school's account with all its data without money refund.

46. If you do not fully accept at least one of these terms or part thereof or if you do not agree with the spirit of this text or part thereof then you must not get a license to use the "Exams Planner" service or use it even during the free trial period. The acceptance of the content of this text by each interested party irrevocably binds them. By accepting the terms of this text, you acknowledge that you have no right to claim anything that you believe you have an interest or legal right to claim related to the "Exams Planner" service and its manufacturers. If you proceed to use the "Exams Planner" service, this means that you have fully understood and have accepted all the terms of use regarding the "Exams Planner" service.